Analytical Sciences

Abstract − Analytical Sciences, 34(12), 1445 (2018).

Micro-organic Ion-associate Phase Extraction/micro-volume Back-extraction for the Preconcentration and GF-AAS Determination of Cadmium, Nickel and Lead in Environmental Water
Syeda Mushahida-AL-NOOR, Ryo MURASHIMA, Takuya OKAZAKI, Shigeru TAGUCHI, Hideki KURAMITZ, and Noriko HATA
Department of Environmental Biology and Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Engineering (Sci. Div.), University of Toyama, Gofuku 3190, Toyama 930-8555, Japan
Micro-organic ion-associate phase (IAP) extraction was combined with a micro-volume back-extraction (MVBE) to reduce coexisting components and viscosity in the concentrates. Heavy metals were converted into a complex with 2-(5-bromo-2-pyridylazo)-5-(N-propyl-N-sulfopropylamino)phenol in a 40-mL sample solution, and were extracted into ion associates. After centrifugation and discarding the aqueous phase, trace metals were stripped from IAP into a nitric acid solution, followed by GF-AAS determination. Only one vessel was required for 400-fold enrichment. The detection limits (3σb) for Cd, Ni, and Pb were 0.6, 3.7, and 0.8 ng/L, respectively. This method was applied in recovery tests in seawater.