Analytical Sciences

Abstract − Analytical Sciences, 24(5), 555 (2008).

Spatially-resolved Observation of Glow Discharge Plasma for Atomic Emission Spectrometry
Yoshitaka ZENITANI and Kazuaki WAGATSUMA
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, 2-1-1 Katahira, Sendai 980-8577, Japan
An imaging spectrograph equipped with a CCD detector was employed to measure two-dimensional emission images from a glow discharge plasma in atomic emission spectrometry. The emission images at Zn I 334.50 nm for a zinc sample and at Cu I 324.75 nm for a copper sample could be obtained. Their emission intensities were not uniform in the radial direction of the plasma region but became weaker at larger distance from the central zone. The two-dimensional distribution would result from a spatial variation in the excitation efficiency of the plasma and thus provide useful information for understanding the excitation processes occurring in the plasma.