Analytical Sciences

Abstract − Analytical Sciences, 21(12), 1415 (2005).

Development of Rotating Liquid Membrane Disk Electrode and Rotating Liquid Membrane Ring-Liquid Membrane Disk Electrode and Evaluation of Characteristics of Ion Transfer Reactions at the Rotating Aqueous|Organic Solution Interface
Kentaroh FUJII, Shuhei TANIBUCHI, and Sorin KIHARA
Department of Chemistry, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Matsugasaki, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8585, Japan
A liquid membrane disk electrode, LMDE, and a liquid membrane ring-liquid membrane disk electrode, LMRE-LMDE, were developed by placing a gelled polyvinyl chloride thin membrane impregnated with 2-nitrophenyl octyl ether, NPOE-LM, on the surface of a glassy carbon, GC, disk or ring electrode. The voltammogram for the ion transfer at the interface between an aqueous solution, W, and NPOE-LM was recorded by setting the developed electrode in W and rotating at a rate, ω, between 0 and 4000 rpm. The sensitivity of the ion-transfer current at the W|NPOE-LM interface, I, was enhanced to be more than 100 times better than that at the W|NPOE (solution) interface when LMDE was rotated at ω higher than 200 rpm. The reversibility of the ion transfer reaction could be evaluated based on the dependence of I on ω of LMDE, and the reaction product at LMDE could be identified at LMRE when the rotating LMRE-LMDE system was adopted.