Analytical Sciences

Abstract − Analytical Sciences, 14(1), 225 (1998).

A Kinetic Study of Copper Ion Extraction by P50 atthe Oil-Water Interface
Meri YAMADA*, Jilska M.PERERA*, Franz GRIESER** and Geoffrey W. STEVENS* *
Advanced Minerals ProductsSpecial Research Centre (AMPC) *Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Melbourne,Parkville, Victoria, 3052 Australia
**School of Chemistry, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria,3052 Australia
Data for the kinetics of Cu(II) extraction by P50(5-nonyl-2-hydroxybenzaldoxime) obtained from the total internalreflectance (TIR) static transfer cell is presented. An interfacialmechanism involving two pararell initial addition steps isproposed and forward rate constants determined. These are discussed inrelation to other data available for this systemand clearly indicate further work is required in the identification of moregeneral reaction mechanisms. (Keywords: Liquid-liquid extraction, P50, hydroxyoxime, copper ion,kinetics, total internal reflectance)